Monday, December 1, 2008

My Little Boy is Six Years Old

Callin is officially six years old today. We celebrated his birthday on Saturday and we thank everyone who was there to share it with us. It is so hard to believe my first born is already six and yet in so many ways he seems older. This year Callin had his cake picked out in July, he had his heart set on a Volcano cake we saw made on the food network channel. Unfortunately the cake is the only thing I had a chance to take pictures of because the rechargable batteries in my camera died and my battery charger is out of commision. To my amazement the cake came out better then I thought it would. I have included the link to the recipe incase anyone is interested.

1 comment:

Tyler and Ericka said...

That is one cool cake, you will have to teach me sometime how to make it!

Callin & Abby

Callin & Abby